for David Campion's class "The British Raj - India 1858-1947"
HISA401-A Fall 2001
Sources for the modern history of
South Asia
(3 Sept 2001, Philip McEldowney)
Parliamentary Papers ||
Census ||
Gazetteers ||
Biographical ||
Government Reports ||
Newspapers ||
Theses and Dissertations ||
Internet or Databases ||
Print Indexes
British Parliamentary Papers
- Commisions - Local Government, reforms (Montegu-Chelmsford
1919, Simon Commission 1929), Banking Inquiry (1930), Famine
commissions 1870s on through 1920s
- Bills - Ilbert, Widow remarriage
- Statistics - railway, industry (Drain)
- Eg. John Sims' "A list and index of parliamentary papers
relating to India, 1908-1947 (1981) [Z3208.A5 S55]
- Gerald Barrier's "Punjab history in printed British documents"
(1969) [Z3207.P8 B3]
- India Office Library. "Catalogue of European printed books" (10
volumes, 1964) [Z3209 .G74 1964]
- "Simon commsion report on India (Indian statutory commission)", 1930
- Statistics for
the late 19th century British India
Census - from 1870s
through 1940s in microfiche (see 3rd floor Periodicals Room,
Micfich 12-20, for 1871-1951)
Gazetteers - Imperial, Provincial, District
- Imperial (26 v. 1907-1909) [DS405 .H95 1907]
- District Gazetteers. "India District gazetteers" [Micfich
- Henry Scholberg, "The district gazetteers of British India.
A bibliography" (1970) [Z3201 .S36]
- "Dictionary of National Biography" (Siba Paada Sen,
India" (1972) [CT 1502 .S46], Buckland's "Dictionary of
Indian biography" (1906) [AldRef DS434 .B8 1906], John F.
Riddick's "Who was who in British India" (1998) [CT1503 .R53
1998], Sharma's "National biolgraphical dictionary of India"
[CT1503 .S48]
- Autobiographies - Temple ("Men and Events of my time
in India," 1882 [DS479 .T28 1882]. "Journals kept in
Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sikkim, and Nepal" 1887 [DS485.H9T43
1977]), Fraser (Among Indian rajahs and ryots" 1912
[DS479.1.F85 A3 1912]), etc
- Papers/letters, writings, speeches - Gandhi. See
Clemons Library's CD-ROM of Gandhi's "Works" [DS 481 .G3 A133
- Eg. Ian A. Baxter's "A brief guide to biographical sources" (at
the India Office, 1979) Z5305 .I5 I53 1979
Government Reports - Administrative annual, provincial departments
- On tribes and castes
- Land revenue settlement
- Eg. Russell's "The tribes and castes of the Central Provinces of
India" (1975 reprint of the 1916 4 volumes) [DS485.C3 R8]
- Ibbertson's "Punjab Castes" (reprint 1974), Thoburn's "Musalmans
and money-lenders in the Punjab" (1886, reprint 1974) [DS485.P19 I2
- "Settlement reports of the Central Provinces, Bihar and Punjab."
[Micfilm 106]
- Clive Dewey's "The Settlement literature of the Greater Punjab: a
handbook" (1991) [DS 485 .P16 D38 1991]
- "Final report on the survey and settlement operations (revision)
in the District of Champaran (1913-1919)." 1922.
- Vernacular press in British India
- Eg. "Selections from the vrnacular newspapers published in the
Panjab, North-Western Provinces, Oudh, Central Provinces, Central
India, and Rajuptana, received up to" (1882- This is not available in
- British press - London Times
Thesis and dissertations
[Look at the bibliographies of these masters theses and doctoral
dissertations. Search Keyword Anywhere in VIRGO for "thesis and
india and history and Virginia"]
- Campion, David. "The Irish influence in the development of Indian
nationalism 1870-1947" (1997, University of Virginia, Masters)
- Pinch, William. "Being Vaishnava, becoming Kshatriya : culture,
belief, and identity in north India, 1800-1940." (1990, University of
Virginia) [Turned into a book
Peasants and Monks"]
- Hill, Christopher. "History in motion : the social ecology of
Purnia district, 1770-1960." (1987, University of Virginia)
- Leckey, Thomas Joseph. "Debt structure in rural Bihar, 1870-1930"
(1986, University of Virginia, Masters)
- Hagen, James. "Indigenous society, the political economy, and
colonial education in Patna District : a history of social change from
1811 to 1951 in Gangetic North India" (1981, University of Virginia)
- Anand Yang's "Control and conflict in an agrarian society : a study
of Saran district, 1866-1920." (1976, University of Virginia)
- Philip McEldowney's "Colonial Administration and Social Doctoral
University of Virginia)
Chapters of this are at
- Philip McEldowney's "Pindari Society and the Establishment of
British Paramountcy in India" (1966 Masters U of Wisconsin)
Internet or databases
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Bibliographic sources at the Digital South Asia Libarary
- Search the
British Library's Oriental and Indian Office Collections
Print indexes
- Guide to Indian Periodical Literature
AldRef Z6958.I4 G8
- London Times index. Palmer's 1785-1905 ||
Official Index 1906-1980 ||
Combined Indexes
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Philip McEldowney
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