Spring 2000 Vol. XXV No.1 PLAIN version [Articles] [Review Article] [Book Reviews] [Contributors] Articles "Notes towards a Native Tibetan Ethnology: An Introduction to and Annotated Translation of dMu dge bSam gtan's Essays on Dwags po (Baima Zangzu)," Janet L. Upton, p.3 "A Catalogue of the First Volume of the Waddell Manuscript rNying ma rgyud 'bum," Sam van Schaik, p. 27 "Tibetan Natal Horoscopes," Geoff Childs & Michael Walter, p. 51 "Sino-Tibetan Relations and Tributary Ideology," Lisa R. Wiggins, p. 63 Review Article
Book Reviews Tibetan Nomads: Environment, Pastoral Economy, and Material Culture, Schuyler Jones with a contribution by Schuyler Camman, reviewed by John Vincent Bellezza, p. 94 Engaged Buddhist Reader, Arnold Kotler (ed.), reviewed by D. R. Chaudhry, p. 99 The Voice that remembers: A Tibetan woman's inspiring story of survival, Ama Adhe, told in English by Joy Blakeslee, reviewed by Riika Virtanen, p. 103 Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region (Vol.I) Dzongkha, George van Driem with the accompanying CDs narrated by Karma Tshering, reviewed by Bhuchung K. Tsering, p. 104 Social Evils: Prostitution and Pornography in Lhasa and A Sea of Bitterness: Patriotic Education in Qinghai monasteries, TIN Briefing Papers No.31 & 32, Tibet Information Network, reviewed by Lhakpa Chodon, p. 106 Contributors, p. 108 Back to the top H-Net Asia - Journals (Table of Contents) OR The Tibet Journal Contributors John Vincent Bellezza is an independent research scholar based at Dharamsala (India) for the last 15 years, during which he has been doing research in the origin and character of ancient civilization in Tibet. He has several publications in his credit including a book, Divine Dyads: Ancient Civilization in Tibet, LTWA, 1997. Erberto Lo Bue, PhD, established the Aniko Collection of Tibetan and Himalayan art in Geneva in 1972, and since then he has organized 13 exhibitions of Asian art in Switzerland, England and Italy. Most of his publications (around one hundred) are related to Asian studies and in particular to Tibetan art. Since 1997 he has been teaching in Istanbul on behalf of the Italian Foreign Office. Geoff Childs is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Demography Program, Research School of Social Science, the Australian National University, Canberra. Lhakpa Chodon, LLM. is currently working at the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission, Dharamsala. She has received her B.A. and LLB from Mysore University and a Diploma in Human Rights from Indian Law Society Law College, Pune. D.R. Chaudhry, a Reader at the Dyal Singh College of Delhi University. is a well-known columnist and reviewer in the Indian media world. He has published several articles and over 100 reviews and review articles in the leading Indian national dailies in English, including Times of India and The Tribune. Also he has three books in his credit. P. Christiaan Klieger, now with the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, is an anthropologist and has been working with Tibetan refugees since 1978. He is the author of Tibetan Nationalism and many articles on various Tibetan subjects. Sam van Schaik is currently employed by the British Library, working in the International Dunhuang Project on a catalogue of 8th century Tibetan wooden documents from Central Asia. His PhD thesis, which is soon to be defended, is on Instantaneous and Gradual Approaches to Enlightenment in Jigs-med Gling-pa's Klong chen snying thig. Also, he has submitted a paper at the 12th conference of the International Association of British Studies (TABS) entitled "rDogs-chen and Hwa-shang: rNying-ma defences of Hwa-shang Mahayana." Bhuchung K. Tsering received his B.A. in English literature from the University of Delhi in 1982. He worked as a reporter for the Indian daily, Indian Express in New Delhi before joining the Tibetan Government-in-Exile in 1984. He has worked as the editor of Tibetan Bulletin. lie is currently the director of the International Campaign for Tibet in Washington D.C. Also, he is a columnist for Tibetan Review and has contributed to Indian. Tibetan. Swiss and American journals. Janet L. Upton, Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of Washington in 1999, is currently based in New York City, where she works for Trace Foundation as a Program Officer. Riika J. Virtanen is the Assistant Editor of the Tibet Journal. Michael Walter is a scholar based at Lumbini International Research Institute, Nepal. Lisa R. Wiggins is a doctoral student at Texas Christian University reading Early American history with minor fields in Asian and Ancient history. She is currently conducting dissertation research and teaching for an American university in Oxford. England. Back to the top
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