TOC Nos. 473-484 (Scanned and HTMLed by Philip McEldowney - September 2000)
INDIA 1998. **Seminar 473: January 1999 the year that was 24 A YEAR IN PURGATORY T.N. Ninan, Publisher and Editor, 'Business Standard' 29 SOME LESSONS FROM 1998 Mrinal Datta-Chaudhuri, Professor, Delhi School of Economics 34 MISGOVERNANCE Vir Sanghvi, Consulting Editor, Apanda Bazar Group 39 REMAKING THE MAP OF INDIA Mahesh Rangarajan, Fellow, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Delhi 43 AT A CROSSROADS Kuldeep Kumar, journalist, Delhi 46 OLD AXIS; NEW NEXUS Harish Khare, Deputy Editor, 'The Hindu' 50 FOREIGN POLICY DISASTERS Radha Kumar, policy analyst and author, Delhi 54 THE ASIAN ECONOMIC CRISIS AND INDIA Sanjaya Barn, Professor, ICRIER and Member, National Security Advisory Board, Delhi 59 AFTER OPERATION SHAKTI Manvendra Singh, Defence Correspondent, 'The Indian Express' 64 EXPERIMENTS IN THE SCIENCE OF PEACE Anuradha Veeravalli, Department of Philosophy, Hindu College, Delhi University 67 THE FIRST GREEN VOTE? Anil Agarwal and Sunita Narain, Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi 71 TWO STEPS FORWARD, ONE STEP BACK Ravi Srivastava, Department of Economics, University of Allahabad 77 GLOBALIZATION AND THE GRASSROOTS MOVEMENTS D.L. Sikh, Senior Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, and co-Editor, 'Alternatives', Delhi 83 CHALLENGES BEFORE VOLUNTARISM Vijay Mahajan, Managing Director, BASIX, Hyderabad 91 THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE POLITICAL Shiv Visvanathan, Senior Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing, Societies, Delhi . 97 BACKPAGE 98 INDEX COVER Designed by Akila Seshasayee CONTINUING CONCERNS. **Seminar 474: February 1999 some problems facing the polity 12 THE PROBLEM a short statement on the issues involved 14 CHILD LABOUR AND EDUCATION Shantha Sinha, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad and Head, MV Foundation, Hyderabad 20 VISIBLE BUT UNREACHED Vimala Ramachandran, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur 26 TECHNO SAVVY Tilak Sarkar, CEO, Business India Information Technology, Delhi 29 JUDICIAL CONCERNS Usha Ramanathan, law researcher based in Delhi 34 THE NORTH LAST: A CONCEPT RE-EXAMINED Sujit Choudhury, Professor, Rabindra Sadan Girls College, Karimganj, Assam 38 BETWEEN NIRVANA AND KARMA ECONOMICS Lawrence Surendra, researcher and activist based in Chennai 44 BOOKS Reviewed by Bibek Debroy, Harsh Sethi, Seminarist, Meena Bhargava and Avik Ghosh 50 COMMENTS Received from Kuldeep Kumar, journalist, Delhi; R. Ramanathan and S. Geetha, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai 57 COMMUNICATIONS Received from K. Balagopal, Hyderabad and Mukul Asthana, Gorakhpur 59 BACKPAGE COVER Designed by Akila Seshasayee GROWING INTOLERANCE. **Seminar 475. March 1999 the increasing polarization in our society 12 THE PROBLEM a short statement on the issues involved 15 SOMANATHA: NARRATIVES OF A HISTORY Romila Thapar, Professor Emeritus of History, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi 23 WHY SECULARISM Javeed Alam, Professor of Political Science, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla 29 ISLAM'S PIETY, NAIPAU12S PRIDE Jyotirmaya Sharma, Assistant Editor, 'The Times of India', Delhi 32 THE FIRES NEXT TIME Darryl D'Monte, journalist and commentator, Mumbai 37 HIERARCHY VS EGALITARIANISM Ambrose Pinto, Executive Director, Indian Social Institute, Delhi 41 BACK TO THE FUTURE Wagish Shukla, Professor of Mathcmatics, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 46 CULTURE FRACTURE Akhilesh Mithal, Dilleewallaa 52 CULTURE AND TELEVISION Shailaja Bajpai, TV critic for 'The Indian Express', and media research consultant, Delhi 58 SANCTIFIED CLOSURES Urvashi Butalia, co-publisher, Kali for Women, Delhi 61 UN DECLARATION Ninan Koshy, former Director, World Council of Churches (Geneva) and Visiting Fellow, Human Rights Programme, Harvard Law School, Cambridge; now based in Thiruvananthapuram 65 CONVERSION AND INVERSION: THE PARADOX OF INDIA'S PRESENT Ranjit Hoskote, poet and art critic, Mumbai 69 BOOKS Reviewed by Harsh Sethi, Sathianathan Clarke, Joy L.K. Pachuau, Susan Visvanathan, Rita Manchanda, Krishna Mcnon and T.N. Madan 86 COMMUNICATIONS Received from S.G. Kashikar, Nagpur and Binu Edathumparampil, Pune 90 BACKPAGE COVER Designed by Akila Seshasayee THE SIKH SPIRIT. **Seminar 476. April 1999 the issues facing the Khalsa at 300 12 THE PROBLEM a short statement on the issues involved 14 FIFTEEN FATEFUL YEARS: 1984-1999 Khushwant Singh, author and columnist, Delhi 7 POLITICAL SHENANIGANS Kanwar Sandhu, Editor, 'The Indian Express', Chandigarh 21 RETURN OF THE MIDDLE CLASS Surinder S. Jodlrka, Department of Sociology, Panjab University, Chandigarh 26 THE BETTER HALF Ravinder Kaur and Amrit Srinivasan, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 33 WOMEN IN SIKHISM Harinder Kaur Sekhon, Fellow, Centre for Contemporary Studies, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Delhi 37 FROM DIVINITY TO DEFIANCE Patwant Singh, author and commentator on current affairs, Delhi 41 SIKH PERCEPTIONS IN THE FORTIES Indu Banga, Professor of History, Panjab University, Chandigarh 46 THE SIKH-KHALSA TRADITION H.S. Sodhi, retired Brigadier and author, Chandigarh 50 MARTYRDOM J.P.S. Uberoi, Professor of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University 54 MISREPRESENTING MINORITIES Dipankar Gupta, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi 59 COMMENTS Received from Giani Gurdit Singh, author, Chandigarh; Gurmeet Sangha Rai, conservation architect; Baljit Malik, journalist; Avtar Singh Judge, writer and translator and Bhai Baldeep Singh, exponent of Kirtan and Founder, Sikh Centre for Archives and Research, Delhi 69 BOOKS Reviewed by J.S. Grewal, Gurpreet Mahajan, Serbjeet Singh, Harsh Sethi, Seminarist and Dipankar Gupta 81 COMMUNICATION Received from J.N. Iyer, Bangalore 82 FURTHER READING A short and select bibliography 85 BACKPAGE COVER Designed by Akila Seshasayee THE PURSUIT OF PURPOSE. **Seminar 477. May 1999 visions and collective styles for institution building 12 THE PROBLEM Posed by Satish Sabcrwal, former Professor of Sociology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi 14 ETHICS AND PURPOSE Shobha Raghuram, Deputy Director, HIVOS (Humanistic Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries), Bangalore 19 IN QUEST OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE Devdatta Dabholkar, educationist; former Vice Chancellor, University of Pone, Satara 22 MEN, MACHINE AND IDEAS R. Narasimhan, National Fellow in Information Technology, CMC Limited, Bangalore 30 A PSYCHOSOCIAL LOOK Oswald Summerton S.J., Founder, TACET Academy of Social Transformation, Delhi 35 NETWORKING FOR REFORMS Raju Damle, development consultant and activist, Delhi 39 PROMOTING PEOPLE'S SCIENCE Vinod Raina, physicist; co-founder Eklavya, Bhopal 44 DEFYING LOGIC K. Vijay Raghavan, Director, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore 50 BOOKS Reviewed by M.S. Ganesh, Satish Saberwal, Savyasaachi and Harsh Sethi 61 COMMENTS Received from Dunn Roy, chemical engineer and environmental activist, Delhi; and Kuldeep Kumar, journalist, Delhi 66 BACKPAGE COVER Designed by Akila Seshasayee FLOODS. **Seminar 478. June 1999 flood control and management 12 THE PROBLEM Posed by Rohan D'Souza, Research Associate, Department of Sociology, Delhi University 18 FLOOD CONTROL VS FLOOD MANAGEMENT Philip B. Williams, President, International Rivers Network; and President of Philip Williams and Associates, San Francisco 22 RECONCEPTUALISING MITIGATION Ajaya Dixit, engineer and Editor, 'Water Nepal', Kathmandu 30 AN INCREASING MENACE Ashok Swain, Associate Professor, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden 34 GOVERNANCE AND FLOODS Imtiaz Ahmed, teaches International Relations at Dhaka University and is Executive Director, Centre for Alternatives, Dhaka 42 DROWNING PEOPLE, KILLING HOPE Dunn Roy, chemical engineer and environmental activist, Delhi 46 THE EMBANKMENT TRAP Dinesh Kumar Mishra, engineer and activist; Convenor, Barb Mukti Abhiyan, Jamshedpur 52 NEED FOR A REALISTIC VIEW Jayanta Bandhyopadhyay, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta 56 ASSAM'S WOES Promode Gogoi, Minister, Flood Control, Government of Assam, Guwahati 62 SOME DISTURBING QUESTIONS R. Rangachari, Research Professor, Centre for Policy Research, Delhi 68 COMMENTS Received from Sanjay Awasthi, programme coordinator, Oxfam, Lucknow and Sanjay Kapoor, journalist, Delhi 73 BOOKS Reviewed by Himanshu Thakkar, Biswamoy Pati, Ashok Prasad, Sharmila Purkayastha, Bela Malik, Ravikant and Vasant K. Saberwal 85 FURTHER READING A short and select bibliography 87 BACKPAGE COVER Designed by Akila Seshasayee SOMETHING LIKE A WAR. **Seminar 479. July 1999 low intensity conflicts 12 THE PROBLEM Posed by Major Maroof Raza (retired), commentator on defence affairs, Delhi 15 KARGIL Gurmeet Kanwal, currently Senior Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, Delhi 20 THE CONFLICT IN KASHMIR Major General Afsir Karim (retired), Editor, 'Aakrosh'; former Editor, 'Indian Defence Review', Delhi 24 THE SOLDIER'S STORY Manvendra Singh, till recently Associate Editor, 'The Indian Express' 27 'ANGELS' WHO BRING GOD'S BLESSING Nayana Bose, research scholar in South Asian studies and specialist on Kashmir, Delhi 32 MOVING AWAY FROM REALPOLITIK Lt. General V.K. Nayar retired as GOC-in-C Western Command; was Governor, Manipur and is currently Research Professor, Centre for Policy Research, Delhi 36 SMALL WEAPONS AND NATIONAL SECURITY B.V.P. Rao, Indian Administrative Service; former Home Secretary, Government of Assam 42 TACKLING THE TIGERS Major General Ashok K. Mehta (retired), commentator on defence affairs, Delhi 47 UNCONVENTIONAL TERROR Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, Research Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses; specialist in defence and security issues, Delhi 51 BOOKS Reviewed by Rhashyam Kasturi and Seminarist 56 FURTHER READING A short and select bibliography 60 IN MEMORIUM Eqbal Ahmad, Myron Weiner and Mervyn de Silva 65 BACKPAGE COVER Designed by Akila Seshasayee CRUEL CHOICES. **Seminar 480. August 1999 the state of our politics and political system 12 THE PROBLEM a short statement on the issues involved 14 THE THIRD ELECTORAL SYSTEM Yogendra Yadav, Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi 21 THE INDIAN PARTY SYSTEM 1989-99 Anindya Saha, Doctoral candidate, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 26 ONE, TWO, MANY INDIAS? Mahesh Rangarajan, Political commentator and environmental historian, Delhi 30 MAMATA'S KHOMOTA Mukulika Banerjee, University College London 36 A MESSIAH FOR BIHAR? Shaibal Gupta, Member-Secretary, Asian Development Research Institute, Patna 42 BRAHMANISATION OF THE DRAVIDA LEGACY V. Krishna Ananth, Assistant Editor, 'The Hindu', Chennai 46 MOBILIZING THE EXCLUDED Kanchan Chandra, Department of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge 52 OPTIONS IN UTTAR PRADESH Jasmine Zerinini-Brotel, Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, University Paris-1 57 STEP ASIDE, BIG BROTHER Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay, freelance journalist and researcher, Delhi 61 COLLECTED WORDS OF SONIA GANDHI Harish Khare, Associate Editor, 'The Hindu', Delhi 66 THE FRACTIONALISATION OF INDIAN PARTIES Oliver Heath, Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi 72 DELHI'S POOR Sanjay Kumar, Associate Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi 75 IMAGING THE POLITICAL Vandita Mishra, Assistant Editor, 'The Pioneer', Delhi 78 WHAT ELECTIONS ARE NOT ABOUT Niraja Gopal Jayal, Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi 83 COMMENT by Sharad Pawar, President, Nationalist Congress Party 86 BOOKS Reviewed by Vikram Khub Chand, Aisha Khan, K. Savitri, Visalakshi Menon, Ravi Srivastava and Harsh Sethi 97 BACKPAGE COVER Designed by Akila Seshasayee Seminars 1998 | Seminars 1997 | Seminars 1996 | Seminars 1995 | Seminars 1994 | Seminars 1993 South Asia Journals page | H-Net Asia - Journals (Tables of Contents)
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