Information on
The Indian Economic and Social History Review

Taken from the insides of the front and back covers of the Jan-March 1998 issue, v.35, no.1
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[Style Sheet] [Manuscripts] [Notes] [Referencing Style] [Abbreviations] [Italics]

The Indian Economic and Social History Review is published quarterly - in March, June, September and December Copyright © The Indian Economic and Social History Association. All rights reserved. No portion of the contents may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. Contributors should note that articles are accepted on the understanding that they will not appear in print as chapters of a book, or in any other form within one year of their publication in IESHR.

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[From the back inside cover of the IESHR issue of Jan-Mar. 1998, v.35, no.1]

STYLE SHEET for contributors to the
Indian Economic and Social History Review

1. Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate. They must be typed double spaced with sufficient margins on all sides to facilitate editing and styling. IMPORTANT: All notes should also be typed double/spaced All material submitted to IESHR should be sent to The Editor, IESHR , 77 Sunder Nagar, New Delhi - 110 003.
2. Notes should be consecutively numbered and presented at the end of the article not at the foot of each page.
3. Referencing Style
A. FOR PUBLISHED SOURCES the following examples illustrate the style to be followed:
On first reference:
(a) Books.
Bruce Masters, The Origins of Western Economic Dominance in the Middle East: Mercantilism and the Islamic Economy in Aleppo, 1600-1750, New York, 1988. pp. 123-28.
(Note: Publishers' names are not to be cited.)
(b) Edited Volumes C.W. Troll, ed., Muslim Shrines in India: Their Character, History and Significance, Delhi, 1989.
(c) Articles in Journals:
Gavin Hambly, 'A Note on the Trade in Eunuchs in Mughal Bengal', Journal of the American Oriental Society (hereafter JAOS), Vol 94 (1),1974, pp. 125-29. (Note As illustrated in this example, the names of journals need be cited in full only on first occurrence. In all subsequent references to articles from the same journal, only the initials or known short forms of the journals are to be used.)
(d) Articles in Edited Volumes:
Peter Gaeffke, 'Alexander and the Bengal Sufis', in Alan W. Entwistle and Francoise Mallison, eds, Studies in South Asian Devotional Literature, Research Papers, 1988-1991, New Delhi/Paris, 1994, pp. 275-84.
On subsequent reference (unless immediately following the first reference. in which case ibid. will be used) the examples at (a), (b) and (c) above will become:
(a) Masters, Origins of Western Economic Dominance, pp 200-201.
(b) Troll, Muslim Shrines in India.
(c) Hambly, 'Eunuchs in Mughal Bengal', p. 126.
(d) Gaeffke, 'Alexander and the Bengal Sufis'.
(Note: The use of op. cit. and loc. cit. is to be completely avoided.)
B. PRIMARY SOURCE citations must include the archival location, including the town and, if necessary, the country where an archive is located. Each major series within an archive should have a separate abbreviation. In case the material is in a private collection, the name and location of the collection should be mentioned. If recorded oral materials stored in an audio archive are being used the location of the recordings should be specified. If not, the name and location of the oral informant should be clearly stated if possible.
4. Abbreviations may either be listed early in the notes if few in number. Or at first use, e g. Tamil Nadu State Archives, Madras (hereafter TNSA).
5. Italics: For readability, do not use italics too frequently. The test should be whether the average reader of IESHR is familiar with the word. Thus 'zarmindar' need not be italicised.

Write to Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd., Post Box 4215. New Delhi 110 048 INDIA. for a detailed style sheet.

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