![]() C O N T E N T S | ||
Special Issue |
60 PAGES |
2002 |
Citizens of the World ? (Extracts from an essay first published and written for the Dutch essayistic journal Nexus, No. 26, issue on Cosmopolitanism, Nexus Institute, Tilburg, The Netherlands.) |
K. Anthony Appiah | |
Empathy or Empire? | Peter van der Veer | |
We are the World | Sanjay Subrahmanyam | |
Globalisation Once More | Deepak Nayyar | |
Review of Empire by Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt | Shuddhabrata Sengupta | |
Long live the Nation! | Benedict Anderson | |
Review of Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs by Noam Chomsky and Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence by Mark Juergensmeyer | Dilip Simeon | |
Life in exile -- A photo essay on the Afghan Refugees in Delhi | Hemant Mehta | |
The End of Geography | Arvind N. Das | |
The Cosmopolitan Patriot | Sagarika Ghose | |
Transit Loungers | Pico Iyer | |
The Shame of Arrival (Extracted from Passport Photos, Penguin India, 2000) |
Amitava Kumar | |
Review of Fury by Salman Rushdie | Tabish Khair | |
Review of Half A Life by V S. Naipaul | Nandini Lal | |
The Predicament of Identity (Text of the Second Dorab Tata Memorial Lecture, New Delhi, 2001) |
Amartya Sen | |
Jewish Portraits, Indian Frames: Women's Narratives From a Diaspora of Hope by Jael Silliman | Urvashi Butalia | |
Review of The Zoroastrians of India: Parsis A Photographic Journey by Sooni Taraporayala | Hoshang Merchant | |
Review of India Calling: The Memories of Cornelia Sorabji, India's First Woman Barrister, edited by Chandani Lokuge | Antoinette Burton | |
The A-Z of Nationalism | Rukmini Bhaya-Nair | |
COVER: Cartoon of V.S. Naipaul by Shekhar Gurera |
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BENEDICT ANDERSON is Aaron L. Binenkorb Professor of International Studies, Emeritus, Cornell University. He is the author of Imagined Communities, The Spectre of Comparisions, Language and Power and Java in the Time of Revolution among others. |
KWAME ANTHONY APPIAH teaches African-American Studies at Harvard on issues of race, ethnicity, culture and identity. Among other books, he has authored with Amy Gutmann, Colour Conscious: The Political Morality of Race. He was formerly the President of the Society for African Philosophy in North America. |
RUKMINI BHAYA NAIR is Professor of Linguistics and English at the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi and an award-winning poet. Her last book of poems was The Ayodhya Cantos (Viking Penguin India, 1999) and her latest book on theory is Narrative Gravity: Conversation, Cognition, Culture (Oxford University Press, 2002). |
ANTOINETTE BURTON is Professor of History at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. |
URVASHI BUTALIA is a feminist publisher and writer based in Delhi. |
ARVIND N. DAS +(1948-2000) was the former Editor of Biblio: A Review of Books and Visiting Professor, Centre for Asian Studies, Amsterdam. He authored several books including Republic of Bihar (Penguin, 1990), Changel: The Biography ofIndian Village (Penguin, 1997), Down and Out: Labouring under Global Capitalism, (Oxford University Press, 2000). He wrote, directed and produced an 18-part television serial 'India Invented: Exploring the Culture and Civilization of India in Historical Outline'. |
SAGARIKA GHOSE is a journalist and writer. She is the author of Gin Drinkers (HarperCollins Publishers India, 2000). |
PICO IYER is a longtime essaysist for Time and the author of several books including Video Nights in Kathmandu, Cuba and the Night, The Lady and the Monk, and, most recently, The Global Soul. |
TABISH KHAIR is Assistant Professor at the English Department of Copenhagen University and the author of Where Parallel Lines Meet (Viking Penguin, 2000) and Babu Fictions (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2001). |
AMITAVA KUMAR is the author of Passport Photos (Penguin Books India and University of California Press, 2000). He is also a literary columnist for Tehelka.com. |
NANDINI LAL is a columnist and critic who has worked in journalism, advertising and publishing. |
HEMANT MEHTA is an award-winning photographer. He has shot for the Delhi Metro Railway Corporation and held an exhibition on the same at India International Centre (ITC), New Delhi. His photos of the Parsi community were also exhibited at IIC, and are now an all-India travelling exhibition. He is currently shooting for the Parsi UNESCO Project on the preservation of the heritage and culture of the Parsis. |
HOSHANG MERCHANT is a Reader in English at the University of Hyderabad. He has edited Yaraana: Gay Stories from India (Penguin Books India, 1999). |
DEEAK NAYYAR is Vice Chancellor of the University of Delhi. He is Chairman of the Board of Governors of UNU-WIDER in Helsinki, and is on the Board of Directors of the Social Science Research Council, U.S.A. He is the co-author of The Intelligent Person's Guide to Liberalization (Penguin Books India, 1996). His latest book is Governing Globalization: Issues and Institutions (Clarendon Press, 2002). |
AMARTYA SEN is Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1998. |
SHUDDHABRAT SENGUPTA is adocumentary filmmaker with the Raqs Collective and a freelance writer based in New Delhi. |
DILIP SIMEON is a historian. |
SANJAY SUBRAHMANYAM is Directeur d' Etudes (Research Professor) at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. He is the author most recently of Penumbral Visions (Oxford University Press, 2001), and (with V. Narayana Rao and D. Shulman) Textures of Time (Permanent Black, 2001). |
PETER VAN DER VEER is Professor of Comparative
Religion at the University of Amsterdam. He is the author of Gods on
Earth (Oxford University Press, 1989), Religious Nationalism
(Oxford University Press, 1995) and Imperial Encounters
(Permanent Black, 2001).
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