Ali, Ikram: History of the Punjab (1799-1947). Delhi: Low Price, 1993, pp. 740, Rs. 175.00 , ISBN 81-85557-00-4
Arora, K.C: Indian Nationalist Movement in Britian (1930-1949). Delhi: Inter-India, 1992, pp. 231, Rs.290.00, ISBN 81-210-0292-3
Aziz, K.K.: History of Partition of India. 4 Vols. Indian reprint of the History of the Idea of Pakistan. Delhi: Atlantic, 1995, pp. 950, Rs. 1500.00 (set), Vol. I. ISBN 81-7156-039-3, Vol. II. 81-7156-040-7, Vol. III. & IV. 81-7156-041-5, 81-7156-042-3 (set).
Aziz, K.K: Public Life in Muslim India, 1850-1947. Delhi: Renaissance, 1993, pp.646, Rs. 650.00, ISBN 81-85199-51-5
Bakshi, S.R: The Making of India and Pakistan; Select Documents. 6 Vols. Vol. I: Congress and its Ideology; Vol. 2. Muslim League and its Ideology; Vol. 3: Ideology of Hindu Mahasabha and other Political Parties; Vol. 4: British Policy in India; Vol. 5: Congress, Muslim League and British Cabinet; Vol. 6: Partition of India. Delhi: Deep & Deep, 1997, 4100p., Rs. 8000 (set)
Bhalla, Alok: Stories about the Partition of India. 3 Vols. Delhi: Indus, 1994, pp. 249, Rs. 585.00 (set), ISBN 81-7223-120-2
Chatterjee, Partha: Bengal 1920-1947: The Land Question. Calcutta: K P Bagchi, 1984, pp. 276, Rs. 100.00
Chatterji, Joya: Bengal Divided: Hindu Communalism and Partition, 1932- 1947. Delhi: Cambridge, 1995, pp. 376, Rs. 350.00, ISBN 81-85618-61-5
Chitkara, M.G.: Mohajir's Pakistan. Delhi: Ashish. 1996. pp. 166, Rs. 300.00, ISBN 81-7024-746-2
Collins, Larry and Dominique Lapierre: Freedom at Midnight. Delhi: Vikas, pp. 500, Rs. 295
Cowasjee, Saros and K.S. Duggal (Eds): Orphans of the Storm: Stories on the Partition of India. Delhi: UBSPD, 1995, pp. 354, Rs. 295.00, ISBN 81- 7476-017-2
De, Soumitra: Nationalism and Separatism in Bengal: A Study of India's Partition. Delhi: Har-Anand, 1992, pp. 279, Rs. 295.00, ISBN 0-7069- 5964-7
Devi, Jyotirmoyee: The River Churning: A Partition Novel. 1995, pp. 133, Rs. 90.00, ISBN 81-85107-69-6
Hamid, Shahid Major-General S: Disastrous Twilight; Personal Record of the Partition of India. Barnsley: Leo Cooper, 1986, 364p., Pound 19.95
Hasan, Mushirul: India Partitioned: The Other Face of Freedom. 2 Vols. Delhi: Roli Books, 1995, pp. 555, Rs. 595.00, ISBN 81-7436-012-3
Hasan, Mushirul: Indian's Partition: Process, Strategy and Mobilization. Delhi: OUP,1996, pp. 434, Rs. 175.00, ISBN 0-19-563504-3
Hasan, Mushirul: Legacy of a Divided Nation; India's Muslims Since Independence. Delhi: OUP, 1997, 475p. Rs. 495
Ikram, S.M.: Indian Muslims and Partition of India. Delhi: Atlantic, 1995, pp. 561, Rs. 825.00, ISBN 81-7156-374-0
Ikram, S.M: Modern Muslim India and the Birth of Pakistan. Delhi: Renaissance, 1991, pp.535 Rs 400.00, ISBN 81-85199-47-7
Jalal, Ayesha: The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah, The Muslim League and the Demand for Pakistan. Cambridge, 1994, pp. 310, Rs. 195.00, ISBN 0-521- 45850-1
Kesavan, Mukul: Looking Through Glass. Delhi: Ravi Dayal, 1995, pp. 378, Rs. 190.00, ISBN 0-2516-006-0
Khosla, G.D.: Stern Reckoning: A Survey of the Events Leading Up to and Following the Partition of India. Delhi: OUP, 1989, pp. 349, Rs. 100.00, ISBN 0-19-562-417-3
Lahiri, Pradip Kumar: Bengali Muslim Thought (1818-1947): Its Liberal and Rational Trends. Calcutta: K P Bagchi, 1991, Rs.100.00, ISBN 81- 7074-067-3
Limaye, Madhu: Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru: A Historical Partnership (1916-1948). 4 Vols. Delhi: BRPC, 1989, Vol. 1: 1916-1931. pp. 280, Vol. 2: 1932-1942. pp. 510, Vol. 3: 1942-1946. pp. 355, Vol. 4: 1947-1948. pp. 411. Rs. 1185.00 (set), ISBN 81-7018-547-5 (set)
Naqvi, Mushtaq: Partition: The Real Story. Delhi: Renaissance, 1995, pp. 219, Rs.280.00, ISBN 81-85199-5-0
Pirzada, Syed Shaifuddin: Evolution of Pakistan. Karachi: Royal, 1995, 417p., Rs. 550
Raza, S. Hashim: Mountbatten and the Partition of India. Delhi: Atlantic, 1989, pp. 176, Rs. 150.00, ISBN 81-7156-059-8
Sahni, Bhisham: Tamas. Delhi: Penguin, 1988, pp. 236, Rs. 100.00, ISBN 0- 14-011477-7
Samaddar, Ranbir (ed): Reflections on Partition in East. Delhi: Vikas, 1997, 215p. Rs. 295
Sharma, Kamlesh: Role of Muslims in Indian Politics (1857-1947). Delhi: Inter-India, 1985, pp. 295, Rs. 375.00
Sharma, S.R: Freedom Movement, 1857-1947 . Delhi: BRPC, 1988, pp 227 Rs.125.00, ISBN 81-7018-469-X
Sherwani, L.A.: The Partition of India and Mountbatten. Delhi: Atlantic, 1989, pp. 206, Rs. 175.00, ISBN 81-7156-061-X
Singh, Anita Inder: The Origins of the Partition of India, 1936-1947. Delhi: OUP, 1995, pp. 271, Rs. 150.00, ISBN 0-19-562541-2
Singh, Kewal: Partition and Aftermath: Memoirs of an Ambassador. Delhi: Vikas, 1991, pp. 412, Rs. 495.00, ISBN 0-7069-5811-X
Singh, Khushwant: Train to Pakistan. Delhi: Ravi Dayal, 1996, pp. 206, Rs. 80.00, ISBN 0-86131-985-0
Talib, S. Gurbachan Singh: Muslim League Attack on Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947. Delhi: Voice of India, 1991, pp. 453, Rs. 250.00 Talukdar, Mohammad H.R. (ed): Memoirs of Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy: With a Brief Account of His Life and Work. Bangladesh: University Press, 1987, pp. 253, Rs. 235.00
Tucker, S.F: India's Partition and Human Debasement. 2 Vols. Delhi: Anmol, 1988, 680p., Rs. 1000
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