List of 1996-1997
Sage India titles
List No. 3 Manohar Books
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A.M. Shah & others (eds): Social Structure and Change (5 vols.) In Honour of M.N. Srininvas. Vol.1, Theory and Method - An Evaluation of the Work of M. N. Srinivas. 1996, 234p. Rs 275. Vol.2, Women in Indian Society. 1996, 214p. Rs.265.00. Vol. 3, Complex Organisations and Urban Communities. 1996, 284p. Rs 325. Vol. 4. Development and Ethnicity. 1997, 240p. F/C

Abdul Aziz & David D. Arnold (eds): Decentralised Governance in Asian Countries (Two papers each on India, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, the Philippines and Sri Lanka) 1996, 301p. Rs. 375

Akhtar Hossain: Macroeconomic Issues and Policies; The Case of Bangladesh. 1996, 333p. Rs. 425

Ashish Kothari & others: People & Protected Areas; Towards Participatory Conservation in India. 1996, 276p. Rs .350

B.N. Yugandhar (ed): Land Reforms in India; Vol. 3. Andhra Pradesh---People's Pressure and Administrative Innovation . 1996, 396p. Rs. 495 (Earlier volumes on Bihar and Rajasthan are available)

B.S. Baviskar & D.W. Attwood: Finding the Middle Path; The Political Economy of Cooperation in Rural India. 1996, 448p. Rs. 595

Barbara Harriss-White: A Political Economy of Agricultural Markets in South India; Masters of the Countryside. 1996, 428p. Rs.395

Beth Roy: Some Trouble with Cows; Making Sense of Social Conflict. 1996, 252p. Rs. 325

Bibek Debroy: Beyond the Uruguay Round; the Indian Perspective on GATT. 1996, 225p. Rs. 325

C.H. Hanumantha Rao & Hans Linnemann: Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation in India. 1996, 271p. Rs. 350 (Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives 17 ) Earlier volumes in the Series are also available, list on request.

C.T. Kurien: Rethinking Economics; Reflections based on a Study of the Indian Economy. 1996, 272p. Rs. 195

D.L. Sheth & Ashis Nandy (eds) : The Multiverse of Democracy; Essays in Honour of Rajni Kothari. 1996, 278p. Rs. 345

David French & Michael Richards: Contemporary Television; Eastern Perspectives. 1996, 372p. Rs. 395

Dinesh N. Awasti & Jose Sebastian: Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes. 1996, 176p. Rs. 250

G.K. Lieten: Development, Devolution and Democracy; Village Discourse in West Bengal. 1996, 252p. Rs. 250 (Indo-Dutch Studies on Developmewnt Alternatives 18)

Gaurav Datt: Bargaining Power, Wages and Employment; An Analysis of Agricultural Labor Markets in India. 1996, 224p. Rs. 295

Henry S.R. Rao & Durganand Sinha (eds) : Asian Perspectives on Psychology. Vol.19 -- Cross-Cultural Research and Methodology Series. 1997, 396p. Rs. 395

Immanuel Wallerstein et al: Open the Social Sciences; Report of the Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences. 1997, 105p. Rs.125 Pap.

Jacques Gaillard & others (eds): Scientific Communities in the Developing World. 1996, 472p. Rs. 525

Jan Servaes & others (eds): Participatory Communication for Social Change. 1996, 288p. Rs.325

Janak Pandey & others (eds) : Asian Contributions to Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1996, 366p. Rs. 395

Jean Luc Racine (ed): Peasant Moorings; Village Ties and Mobility Rationales in South India. 1997, 404p. Rs 495

John McGuire & Peter Reeves (eds): Politics of Violence; From Ayodhya to Behrampada. 1996, 304p. Rs.395.00 Studies on Contemporary South Asia, Vol. I

Joop W. de Wit: Poverty, Policy and Politics in Madras Slums; Dynamics of Survival, Gender and Leadership. 1996, 305p. Rs. 395

Katar Singh & Vishwa Ballabh (eds): Cooperative Management of Natural Resources. 1996, 272p. Rs. 350

Kuldeep Mathur (ed): Development Policy and Administration. 1996, 276p. Rs. 325

Kumudini Dandekar: The Elderly in India. 1996, 229p. Rs. 295

Lachman M. Khubchandani: Revisulizing Boundaries; A Plurilingual Ethos. 1997, 256p. Rs 335

M.L. Dantwala: Dilemmas of Growth; The Indian Experience edited by Pravin Visaria, N.A. Mujumdar and T.R. Sundaram. 1996, 404p. Rs. 350

Manabendu Chattopadhyay & others (eds) : Planning and Economic Policy; Evaluation and Lessons for the Future. 1996, 215p. Rs. 275

Marshall Wolfe: Elusive Development. 1996, 204p. Rs. 280

Patricia Jeffery & Roger Jeffery: Don't Marry Me to a Plowman; Women's Everyday Lives in Rural North India. 1996, 304p. Rs 425

Patricia Uberoi (ed): Social Reform, Sexuality and the State. 1996, 432p. Rs 495

Peter Knorringa: Economics of Collaboration; Indian Shoemakers Between Market. 1996, 224p. Rs. 295 Livelihood and Environment, Volume 3

R.S. Bora: Himalayan Migration; A Study of the Hill Region of Uttar Pradesh. 1996, 195p. Rs. 295

Rajen Harshe: Twentieth Century Imperialism; Shifting Contours and Changing Conceptions. 1997, 276p. Rs. 350

Rajni Palriwala & Carla Risseeuw (eds): Shifting Circles of Support; Contextualising Gender and Kinship in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. 1996, 344p. Rs 365

Ramesh Chandra Mishra & others: Ecology, Acculturation and Psychological Adaptation; A Study of Adivasis in Bihar. 1996, 276p. Rs .300

Ramesh Dutta Dikshit (ed): Developments in Political Geography; A Century of Progress. 1997, 380p. Rs 425

Ratna Kapur & Brenda Cossman: Subversive Sites; Feminist Engagements with Law in India. 1996, 352p. Rs. 200

Richard Heeks: India's Software Industry; State Policy, Liberalisation and Industrial Development. 1996, 428p. Rs 450

Roger Jeffery & Alaka M. Basu: Girls' Schooling, Women's Autonomy and Fertility Change in South Asia. 1996, 339p. Rs. 225

S. Shiva Ramu: Strategic Alliances; Building Netwrok Relationships for Mutual Gain. 1997, 204p. Rs. 325

Satish Saberwal: Roots of Crisis; Interpreting Contemporary Indian Society. 1996, 200p. Rs 155

Shalini Bharat: Family Measurement in India. 1996, 319p. Rs. 395

Shekhar Mehta & others: Controlling Pollution; Incentives and Regulations. 1997, 160p. Rs 250

Sudipt Dutta: Family Business in India. 1997, 267p. Rs.225

Sumantra Bose: The Challenge in Kashmir; Democracy, Self-Determination and a Just Peace. 1997, 206p. Rs. 125

Sumi Krishna: Environmental Politics; People's Lives and Development Choices. 1996, 300p. Rs. 350

Susan Wadley: Struggling with Destiny in Karimpur, 1925-1984. 1996. 332p. Rs. 395

T.K. Oommen (ed): Citizenship and National Identity; From Colonialism to Globalism. 1997, 324p. Rs. 350

Theo van der Loop: Industrial Dynamics and Framented Labour Markets; Construction Firms and Labourers in India. 1996, 452p. Rs. 525 Livelihood and Environment 2.

Tirthankar Roy: Cloth and Commerce; Textiles in Colonial India. 1996, 344p. Rs. 425

Tushaar Shah: Catalysing Co-operation; Design of Self-Governing Organisations. 1996, 316p. Rs. 375

V.M. Dandekar: The Indian Economy 1947-92; Vol. 2. Population Poverty and Employment. 1996, 405p. Rs. 375

Venkatesh B. Athreya & Sheela Rani Chunkath: Literacy and Empowerment. (Pudukkotai in Tamil Nadu) 1996, 300p. Rs 295

Vineeta Hoon: Living on the Move; Bhotiyas of the Kumaon Himalaya. 1996, 256p. Rs. 345 Livelihood and Environment Vol.4

Vinod Pavarala: Interpreting Corruption; Elites Perspectives in India. 1996, 264p. Rs 325

Zafrullah Chowdhury: The Politics of Essential Drugs; The Making of a Successful Health Strategy-Lessons from Bangladesh. 1996, 192p. Rs. 195

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