Subaltern Studies No. 5 Subaltern Studies No. 7 Subaltern Studies No. 6
Writings on South Asian History and Society

Edited by Ranajit Guha
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989. 335 p.

Preface vii
Note on Contributors x
Acknowledgement ix
The Kalki-Avatar of Bikrampur: A Village Scandal in Early
Twentieth Century Bengal
by Sumit Sarkar
The Mentality of Subalternity: Kantanama or Rajdharma
by Gautam Bhadra
Feminist Fictions: A Critique of the Category ‘Non-
Western Woman' in Feminist Writings on India
by Julie Stephens
Response to Julie Stephens
by Susie Tharu
The Colonial Construction of ‘Communalism':
British Writings on Banaras in the Nineteenth Century
by Gyanendra Pandey
Caste and Subaltern Consciousness
by Partha Chatterjee
Dominance Without Hegemony and Its Historiography
by Ranajit Guha
Subaltern as Perspective
by Veena Das
Glossary 325

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Subaltern Studies No. 5 Subaltern Studies No. 7
Note on Contributors


Studies VI



Studies VI



Studies VI



Studies VI



Studies VI


GAUTAM BHADRA , currently a Fellow at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, is Reader in History, University of Calcutta. His publications include a monograph in Bengali, Mughal Juge Krishi Arthaniti 0 Krisbak Bidroba (Calcutta, 1983).

PARTHA CHATTERJEE is Professor of Political Science, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. He has published Arms, Alliances and Stability (Delhi, London and New York, 1975); Bengal 1920-1947. The Land Question (Calcutta, 1985); and Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World (London and Delhi, 1986). He is co-author of The State of Political Theory: Some Marxist Essays (Calcutta, 1978) and Three Studies on Agrarian Structure in Bengal 1858-1947 (Calcutta, 1982).

VEENA DAS is Professor of Sociology, University of Delhi. She is the author of Structure and Cognition: Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual (Delhi, 1977; 2nd edition, 1982). She has also edited The Word and the World (Delhi, 1986), and Communities, Riots, Survivors (forthcoming).

RANAJIT GUHA is a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Anthropology, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. His most recent publication is a series of lectures entitled An Indian Historiography of India: A Nineteenth-Century Agenda and Its Implications (Calcutta, 1988).

GYANENDRA PANDEY is Professor of History, University of Delhi. He is the author of The Ascendancy of the Congress in Uttar Pradesh, 1926-34 (Delhi, 1978), and of a forthcoming monograph on communalism in India under British rule. He has also edited a volume of essays on the Quit India movement, The Indian Nation in 1942 (Calcutta, 1988).

SUMIT SARKAR is Professor of History, University of Delhi. His publications include Swadeshi Movement in Bengal, 1903-08 (New Delhi, 1973), Modern India, 1885-1947 (New Delhi, 1983), 'Popular Movements' and 'Middle-Class'Leadersbip in Late Colonial India: Problems and Perspectives of a 'History from Below' (Calcutta, 1983), and a collection of essays entitled A Critique of Colonial India (Calcutta, 1985).

JULIE STEPHENS is a post-graduate student in the Department of Asian Languages and Anthropology, University of Melbourne. She is currently working on a doctoral dissertation for the Ph.D. degree.

SUSIE THARU is Reader, Department of Literature, Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad, and a Founder Member of Anveshi: Research Centre for Women's Studies, Hyderabad. Her publications include The Sense of Performance: Studies in the Post- Artaud Theatre (Delhi, 1980). She is also co-author of "We were making history, they said": Women in the Telangana People's Movement (Delhi and London, 1988).

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